The pharmaceutical company Lancet has launched an information and education platform for healthcare administrators


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The pharmaceutical company Lancet has launched an information and education platform for healthcare administrators

JSC Lancet makes public the launch of a new project: the information and education platform "" for members of management of state and private healthcare institutions of the Russian Federation.

There are different programs which cover a wide range of issues on the platform, including information technologies, marketing, communications, human resources management and regulatory issues of public health service. These programs have been developed to enable managers and specialist to manage effectively and optimize processes in healthcare institutions. They allow to improve the management skills and discover new perspectives in the healthcare environment.

The project "Eduzdrav" offers a unique approach to learning and includes not only theoretical knowledge, but also an exchange of practical experience in a special chat in Telegram. Each webinar lasts 60 minutes. During this time, listeners receive only necessary and relevant information.

"Our company on a permanent basis supports speakers' speeches at medical conferences and cooperates with leading medical communities of the Russian Federation. We are highly experienced in interacting with healthcare institutions and have a deep understanding of tasks and needs of their administrators. We have accumulated a huge resource to create a platform where webinars with a useful content of healthcare administrators will be carried out, as well as relevant news of healthcare domain will be published. Our mission is to provide educational services for members of management of healthcare institutions to ensure an effective performance of the healthcare system of Russia", commented the project head manager Rita Khanbekova.

The platform is available to everyone interested at: Please, register to take part in webinars of Eduzdrav and develop competencies to make effective management decisions in the healthcare environment!


Website of JSC Lancet

Website of the project "EduZdrav"

Telegram channel

Chat in Telegram