Lancet has supported the conference on the problems of respiratory tract diseases


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Lancet has supported the conference on the problems of respiratory tract diseases

The event took place on November 21-22, 2019 with support and participation of the Health Committee of St. Petersburg, RSI of Pulmonology FSBI of HI Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University of Russian Ministry of Health, FSBI of HI Saint Petersburg State University; non-governmental organizations Russian Respiratory Society and Doctors of Saint-Petersburg, specialized regional healthcare organizations. Key opinion leaders in the filed of pulmonology from Germany and Brazil participated in the conference as well.

Scientific and organizational committee of the Conference was headed by the Vice Governor of Saint-Petersburg Government A.V. Mityanina, D.G. Lysovetz – Chairman of Committee for Public Health of the Government of Saint-Petersburg and S.N. Avdeev - chief external pulmonologist specialist of the Ministry of Health of Russia, corresponding member of Russian Academy of Sciences, professor, Doctor of Medicine, Head of the Chair of Pulmonology of FSAEI of HI I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University of Ministry of Health of Russia acted as co-chairmen.

Within the conference a symposium “Contemporary trends in respiratory medicine development” and scientific and practical symposium with international participation on the problems of broncho-obstructive pathology were organized. Expert Council of leading pulmonologists from Northwestern Federal District cities took place; the participant analyzed respiratory organs diseases mortality causes and open pulmonology issues. Issues on the use of novel drug products in treatment of respiratory organs diseases were considered.  

Discussions of topical issues of modern respiratory medicine involving practicing specialists, scientists, healthcare administrators took place at the Conference sites.  

Respiratory organs pathologies are among socially significant diseases, rapid prevalence of which causes extensive concern in medical community. Based on expert estimates in XXI century this group of diseases will take the first place among the other groups along with oncological diseases and cardiovascular system conditions. The growth is provoked by such factors as ecological degradation, appearance of new forms of diseases and novel causative microorganism resistant to existing antibiotics.

“Pulmonology is one of priority directions developed by Lancet PLC and the Company considers deems its duty to support the efforts of scientific and medical community in qualitative change of pulmonological help model: prevention, diagnostics and treatment of patients with respiratory system pathologies, - commented General Director of Lancet PLC Anton Zybin. – Besides, the company facilitates promotion on the Russian market and increase of availability of innovative medicinal products which make it possible to reduce the level of disablement among the patients with respiratory tract diseases, to ensure their quality of life and to reduce the number of lethal outcomes”.