November, 8 – the Day of Radiologist


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November, 8 – the Day of Radiologist

Starting from 2015 Lancet JSC acts as a partner of European School of Radiology (ESOR) in implementation of this international educational project in Russia.

ESOR is a global leader in professional training of radiologists both in Europe and worldwide. ESOR fulfils 800 educational programs in 40 countries all over the world, including courses, seminars, scholarship programs, lectures to give which globally renowned radiologists are invited. Among ESOR partners there are such international companies as Siemens, Philips, GEHealthcare, radiologic professional communities, academic and scientific research institutes.  

In Russia ESOR is holding training courses for radiologists in cooperation with Lancet JSC since 2015. To give lectures, mater-classes and to study clinical cases leading European specialists, competent experts in the field of computer tomography and magnetic resonance imaging are engaged. All doctors which have completed the course get European certificates.

In the Russian Federation the proportion of the use of state-of-the-art technologies in radiology is twice-thrice as low as in the EU countries. Low level of opacification application in computer tomography and magnetic resonance imaging is preserved, while international standards in most cases require introduction of contrast agents which significantly enhance the informative value of the studies.

“The project is aimed at introduction of innovative technologies and up-to-date standards of healthcare delivery to practical healthcare. This is an important educational event in the field of radiology, tells the initiator of starting up the ESOR courses in Russia Tamara Aptukhina. – Lancet is the leader of contrast media supply on the Russian market and its partnership with ESOR in the sphere of postgraduate education of radiologists is to be expected.”

Since the educational project has been launched more than 650 radiologists received training in the Russian Federation. Record number of participants – 69 – was registered on the tenth anniversary course which took place in Saint-Petersburg in May, 2019. Many Russian CIS cities were represented: Vladivostok, Irkutsk, Krasnoyarsk, Omsk, Novosibirsk, Khanty-Mansyisk, Izhevsk, Krasnodar, Simferopol, Taganrog, Nizhny Novgorod, Samara, Arkhangelsk, Murmansk, Voronezh, Smolensk, Bryansk, Tver, Novgorod, Bishkek, Erevan. On the Russian side the course was presided by chief external radiologist of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation I.E. Turin.

Leading European radiologists came to Saint-Petersburg to give lectures and seminars: scientific director of ESOR professor Valerie Vilgrain (France), professor Harriet Tany and professor Christopher Stupis (Sweden), professor Thomas Helbeach and professor Rosemary Forstner (Austria), professor Ricardo Manfredi (Italy), professor Jurgen Futtereer (Netherlands). On the Russian side lecturers included professor V.E. Synitsin and I.E. Turin.

The next ESOR course I the partnership with Lancet will be held in June, 2020.

Lancet thanks its partners and medical community for the attention and interest to one of the most pressing challenges of contemporary healthcare.

Wishing You professional achievements, successful pursuing of all Your plans, good health and well-being!