Conference “Contrast enhancement for outpatient. State of the art”


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Conference “Contrast enhancement for outpatient. State of the art”

A Conference “Contrast enhancement for outpatient. State of the art” was held in Moscow on October 13th – 14th.

The Conference was organized by several scientific societies, among them Research and Practical Centre of Medical Radiology (Moscow Healthcare Department), Central Research Institute of Radiology, Moscow Society of Radiologists, Fund of Radiology Development, with Lancet support.

More than 170 radiologists from Moscow hospitals and diagnostic centers took part in the Conference, among them 23 head radiology departments.

The participants were offered two workshops devoted to contrast media (CM) using. Management and technical subjects were discussed, as well as patient preparation, prevention and treatment of adverse reactions. Special attention was paid to contrast enhancement for proper diagnostic of different diseases.

Tamara Apukhtina (Ph.D., JSC “Lancet”), made a presentation “Modern contrast media. Myths and reality”. During her lecture basic subjects of CM using were demonstrated, as well as leading international imaging manufacturers’ products for Russian hospitals were presented.

Hosts of the Conference mentioned a high level of presentations and lectures, well-performed workshops and highly involved participants – radiologists.