Tactics of managing pregnant women with RBC sensitization at the stage of antenatal clinics


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Tactics of managing pregnant women with RBC sensitization at the stage of antenatal clinics

A webinar on the “Tactics of managing pregnant women with RBC sensitization at the stage of antenatal clinics” was held for the obstetricians and gynecologists of the outpatient clinics of the Moscow Department of Healthcare on February 12, 2014, within the framework of the distance education program. The webinar was organized by the autonomous noncommercial organization for continuing professional education “Open Medical Communications”.

The official announcement of the webinar contains the following message: “Despite the availability and accessibility of preventive medications, the frequency of Rh-conflict during pregnancy remains high and continues to grow. In most cases, it occurs at fault of the doctors. All the steps that may help significantly reduce the number of RBC sensitizations were discussed in detail during the webinar. These are the preventive schemes, and ultrasound and Doppler markers of hemolytic disease of the fetus. Also the sequence of diagnostic measures depending on gestational age and the presence of burdened medical history were presented”.

372 specialists from 55 antenatal clinics centers of all administrative districts of Moscow attended the webinar; more than 96% of respondents appreciated its relevance. A full video of the webinar is available at http://youtu.be/6GEHBH8PuWo

The autonomous noncommercial organization for continuing professional education “Open Medical Communications” was created in November 2012 to develop a system of continuing medical education for physicians and other medical professionals. In 2013, 975 hospitals across the country joined to the educational programs of the autonomous noncommercial organization for continuing professional education “Open Medical Communications”, 27 seminars were held and 16 training modules were developed. Average total on-line audience of each webinar included 150-200 hospitals, while the average of 500-2000 physicians watched the video during the event. Further information is available at: www.openmedcom.ru