XIX All-Russian Congress of Cardiovascular Surgeons


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XIX All-Russian Congress of Cardiovascular Surgeons

The XIX All-Russian Congress of Cardiovascular Surgeons took place at the Bakoulev Center for Cardiovascular Surgery of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.

Summarizing the XIX All-Russian Congress of Cardiovascular Surgeons, it is worth noting, that it witnessed an unusually high level of participants’ activity. More than eight hundred abstracts on topical issues of modern cardiovascular surgery, cardiology, anesthesiology and intensive care, and nursing were sent to the organizers from the cities of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Uzbekistan and Latvia. Finally, several hundreds of reports on the most pressing and topical issues were selected for the program. Among the speakers there were representatives of all relevant centers of Russia.

Lancet took part in the exhibition of medical equipment, demonstrating a unique technology to determine the individual effectiveness of antiplatelet therapy in express mode of patients with coronary heart disease. VerifyNow system is an apparatus for determining individual effectiveness of antiplatelet medicines (acetylsalicylic acid, inhibitors of P2Y12 (clopidogrel, prasugrel and ticagrelor), glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors), widely used in treatment of the patients with cardio-vascular pathology.

The Association of Cardiovascular Surgeons of Russia, a non-profit organization, was founded in 2003 for the purpose of activities coordination and protection of the common interests of its members. The Association consists of the leading Russian clinics representatives in the field of cardiovascular surgery, heads and doctors of the district and regional Russian hospitals, state medical institutes (St. Petersburg, Kazan, Saratov, Bashkortostan etc.), and also experts from neighboring countries and beyond.

Throughout its existence, the Association has organized 19 All-Russian Congresses of Cardiovascular Surgeons, and has realized a large number of projects aiming at professional development of Russian doctors. 150 specialized publications were published with the participation of the Association members.

Further information is available at: www.racvs.ru