TCT Russia 2013
TCT Russia – the 16th Moscow International Course on Endovascular Therapies was taking place in Moscow on June 9 – 11, 2013. As in 2012, when the event was held in Russia for the first time, it was organized by the Cardiovascular Research Foundation (CRF, USA) and Russian Scientific Society of Endovascular Therapies.
During the three days of TCT Russia, the event was attended by over a thousand of Russian and foreign health care experts in the field of interventional and vascular medicine from more than thirty countries. The world's leading experts including RAMS Academician B.G. Alekyan, Professor S.A. Abugov and many others were making presentations.
More than one hundred lectures were held in the framework of the scientific program of the Congress, sixteen workshops were conducted, operating rooms were broadcasted live in the halls (fifteen operations were performed), coupled with two teleconferences held with Sheba Hospital, Tel Aviv, Israel, and St.Rafaello hospital, Milan, Italy.
Lancet supported the Congress staying true to the principles of support for the Russian science and work of professional scientific societies.
The official web-site of TCT Russia 2013:
The Russian Scientific Society of Endovascular Therapies was founded in 2002. Prof. Bagrat G. Alekyan, a correspondent member of The Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (RAMS), is the chairman of the Society. The Society aims at assistance in introduction of new methods of treatment of cardiovascular diseases, training and preparing specialists involved in this sphere, developing and enhancing international cooperation. The Society has a membership of more than 1000 physicians from the regions of the Russian Federation and the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). Further information is available at
The Cardiovascular Research Foundation (CRF) is an independent, academically focused NGO designed to improve the survival and quality of life rates among cardiovascular patients through finding and implementing new treatment methods, as well as creation of medical community. Since its inception in 1990, the CRF has been playing a critical role in dramatic improvements in the lives of countless numbers of patients by offering new safe endovascular radiology procedures and therapies. Further information is available at